For researchers and lab technicians, developing a safe and secure space is essential.
In order to bring reliable structure and organization to clinical trials and lab work, technological advancements have provided us with web-enabled biorepository software, as the ultimate processor for biospecimens.
Biorepository software is a biobanking system that acts as a lab management system. Biobank software can store and direct lab materials for better sample tracking, sample management, and specified research.
Biorepository software relates to freezer inventory software because most biospecimens require proper storage, with freezer software that can consolidate massive amounts of data and results.
Biobanks can store many biospecimens, such as tissue samples or blood samples. For the right kind of sample management, it’s important for clinics to house the right equipment.
Biorepository software can help bring calm to the chaos of endless data. By organizing biospecimens, this web-enabled technology can add extra security and credibility to the biobanking establishments that take advantage of this biobanking software program.
Because all biobanks are different, there are different biospecimens stored in each one. Indeed, while a mere 29% of biobanks are funded for general research, about 53% of biobanks are researching a particular disease and that’s what their establishment was launched for.
Biobanks are located all across the world, from the chill of Seattle to the heat of Africa. Because biobanks are funded internationally, these locations should be provided the best laboratory sample management software.
In America, during the turn of the century, the number of tissue samples was about 300 million, but each year it increased by 20 million. Another example of a popular biobank specimen includes pediatric specimens, with about 44% of biobanks dedicated to their research. Postmortem specimens are close behind, taking about 36% of biobanking systems and research.
Biobanks are popping up constantly, with 17% having been present for over 20 years, and about two-thirds of another set founded within the last ten years. To avoid and detect biobanking errors, about 80% of biorepositories form internal oversight boards to help keep systems in check.
Still, because the types of biospecimens tend to vary immensely based on specific bits of research, proper management of biomedical materials must be a top priority!
In fact, based on a 2011 survey of over 700 cancer researchers, 47% of them had a difficult time obtaining satisfactory biobank samples.
Granted, if we expect to make advancements in science and medicine, biobanks need continuous support and superior management.