If the director of the FBI is concerned about something, then you know it’s serious business. In 2012, then-FBI Director Robert Mueller said that “down the road, the cyber threat will be the number one threat to the country.” He went on to suggest that cyber crime will be even more of a danger to the United States than terrorism! If that is not cause for concern, then what else is?
Mueller’s words alone should give one pause. However, there’s more to his concern than just empty posturing. Consider these frightening statistics:
- A recent survey found that 50% of cyber security experts are worried that their respective agencies are likely to be targeted by cyber criminals with such tactics as denial-of-service attacks within a year. Nearly two-thirds of cyber security professionals claim that their agencies would be unable to protect themselves from these attacks.
- In 2013, approximately 145,000 new malware programs for mobile devices were created. That was 3 times the amount of mobile malware programs detected in 2012.
- Since 2009, the federal government has suffered an astounding 680% increase in cyber crime.
- Nearly one of out of 10 social media users have received some kind of cyber threat. On Facebook alone, more than 600,000 accounts are attacked everyday. That is roughly 415 account breaches a minute.
Needless to say, the state of cyber security in the U.S. could be better.
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