When it comes to innovation, resourcefulness, and a determination to get the job done no matter what the obstacles, look no further than a teacher. But when it comes to sharing those innovations so that others might benefit from them too… well, teachers win that one too.
Teaching, in and of itself, is not a competitive endeavor. In fact, it’s just the opposite. The better that people are educated, the better our society will be, so good teachers never try to “out-do” other teachers—or worse, withhold information from some people while giving it freely to others. Of course this applies to their students, but also to their peers. Which is why you’d be hard-pressed to find a more open, collaborative, and welcoming online environment than you find in information technology blogs for teachers.
Educators from around the world are embracing new technologies, like iPads, netbooks, and 3D. But unlike large private corporations, who generally never release new developments or discoveries without charging for them, teachers literally can’t wait to share their ideas and innovations. As soon as someone figures out something new, or finds a new app for classroom use, they are blogging about it, so that other teachers can try it out as well.
And the word is spreading. New technology blogs for teachers are springing up all the time, in fields such as information recording, handicap and special ed assistance, distance learning, and classroom management, as well as regular educational tools in every possible subject. Video conferencing can bring students together from across the globe. Cloud services and real-time editing can streamline the homework process. And online games and interactive puzzles can sharpen motor skills and aid in learning.
But technology blogs for teachers also serve a much more immediate and practical purpose. They keep educators up-to-date on the newest technology and devices. Many teachers find themselves playing catch-up, as the students they teach are far more comfortable with the devices and technology available. Being able to “speak tech” allows teachers to connect with students on familiar ground, as well as find new and exciting ways to use their classroom time.