Are you managing a startup business? Financial experts come baring bad news: the odds aren’t exactly in your favor. Eight out of 10 new businesses fail during 18 months or less, Forbes reports. Beating the odds and rising above the competition is more than possible — with the right knowledge and tools. What are they? Up-to-date, reliable technologies can easily carry your business and ensure its success. Here’s what you’ll need:
Get Your Head In The Clouds
Digital storage space is a major concern for new and/or small businesses on tight budgets. Cloud computing solutions are efficient and reliable. “Data space can be a huge issue for small businesses,” The Telegraph explains. “But you don’t need to purchase expensive kit to get around this. Many small businesses are opting to outsource data storage.” Going through server hosting companies and related hosting services can save your small business a great deal of money.
When taking advantage of server hosting services — or even managing your own cloud computing system — make sure to carefully consider all aspects of security. Encrypt data whenever possible, and remember that employees may use mobile devices to check company emails and log onto unprotected servers, The Telegraph continues.
Invest Time and Money in Cross-Platform Compatibility
The popularity of hybrid laptops, tablet PCs, and smartphones is growing at an exponential rate. Ensuring that websites and applications are mobile-ready — or easy to navigate on all devices — is critical. Remember, not all of your clients and/or customers will be using a traditional desktop or laptop PC. “Smartphone and tablet are rapidly overtaking desktop use in the workplace. The workforce is more mobile than ever and your business practice needs to reflect this,” The Telegraph adds.
Know The Ins and Outs of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Bring Your Own Device policies can easily save you money, according to Fox News. They can also expose your company to a wealth of security risks. Invest in appropriate security software and establish rules and standards about BYOD and personal device use while at work.
With the right technology, you can vastly improve your odds of success. Invest in cloud computing software, establish guidelines and rules about any BYOD policies, and make sure widely used websites and applications are mobile-ready.
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