What Is a Category 5e Cable?

If you haven’t heard of a category 5e cable, there are some things to know. Keep reading to learn what a category 5e cable is and what it is used for.

Let’s start with what category 5e cables are used for. They are a type of computer cabling that carries voice and data signals between hub, switches, routers, DSL or cable modems, and other network devices.

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Category 5e cables are most commonly use to connect a PC to a router or modem provided by a broadband provider. These cables may also be sued for networking computers throughout a house or office.

Let’s look at an example. In large buildings, it is common for the wiring cabinets where the telephone service enters the building to have jacks installed that are to connect with each individual desk or piece of hardware via a category 5e cable.

What else do you need to know about category 5e cables? They are high quality and economic and can be sued in a lot of different ways. When one single cable can be used for many applications, it is referred to as “structured cabling.”

To learn more about category 5e cables, watch the video above!


About: Ed