Talent Acquisition Can be Increasingly Difficult When the Unemployment Numbers Are Low

The latest jobs numbers were impressive. In fact, they are so impressive that there are a number of indicators that the economy is going to remain especially strong throughout the entire summer. One of the downfalls of such high jobs numbers is that it can be increasingly difficult to find workers when you need. As a result, this also means that it can be increasingly difficult to keep the employees that you have because there are many companies who are looking for talent for themselves.

Fortunately, working in collaboration with an human resources executive search agency can help you find the solutions that you need to find and keep the talent that is necessary to make your business a success. In fact, a human resources executive search agency offers a number of services that can help with both the onboarding process, the continuing education process, and the processes that you will need to keep your talent on staff.

Not surprising, one of the best ways to make sure that your staff remains loyal to your company is to offer incentives and rewards to both encourage and recognize the best performances. From commissions to employee bonus trips to company wide recognition events, there are a number of ways that businesses of all sizes can make sure that their best employees remain loyal to the company. In fact, 86% of companies with employee recognition programs indicate that they see an increase in worker happiness

Interestingly enough, another way to make sure that your talent acquisition efforts do not leave is to make sure that you are creating a diverse work force. Bringing different kinds of employees together in your office can actually help build the team that you are trying to grow. Both gender diversity and ethnic diversity provide a varied approach to the goals that you are trying to meet. McKinsey’s research has published reports that indicate that gender-diverse companies are 15% more likely to outperform their peers. Likewise, ethnically-diverse companies are 35% more likely to outperform their peers.

Learning and Development Opportunities Also Offer a Means to Keep the Best Talent at Your Company

Strategic human resources consultants can also provide their clients with information about the best way to implement staff training. From the necessary safety training courses that are required in a warehouse to information about new technologies and products, the happiest employees are the employees who feel that they have been well educated in all of the things that can help them do their jobs well. Unfortunately, a recent Gallup poll indicated that as few as 20% of workers believe their manager is doing a good job of encouraging them to do their best work. Implementing a well designed training method can help change this dismal percentage. By working with a human resources executive search agency you can find the best educational methods for your particular environment.

Today’s workers are not as loyal as the generations that we have seen in the past. In fact, research for a 2016 Gallup poll, shows that Millennials are considered the “Job Hopping Generation.” As an example, as many as six in 10 Millennial workers are open to a new job at any given time. This is a number that is higher than any other generation.

About: Ed