Month: April 2013

Tech Chat Shows Whoever Said That Radio Was Obsolete

A tech chat show is always going to have plenty of room for controversy. Technology radio online is, after all, a somewhat paradoxical idea in and of itself. Why, for example, would someone need a tech chat show when there are numerous other options available in this day and age? Why listen to tech talk …

Domain Names Are A Process That Everyone Can Handle

Using domain name registration is easier than you think. Going through the process is necessary to have a website that is easily viewed by internet users. While you are considering a domain search, you might be interested to know that domain names account for two hundred and fifty million dollars in revenue on a yearly …

iPhones Are Classy

Finding High Speed Internet Deals

Did you know that today, well over half of all American homes subscribe to basic cable television services? Cable television is a system of distributing television programs to subscribers via radio frequency (RF) signals transmitted through coaxial cables or light pulses through fiber optic cables. Cable television programming is often divided between basic and Pay …

Sleak, Minimalist Audio Visual Design

HiFi; eight track player; cassette tape. During the 1970s, these terms embodied the very essence of what was regarded as the cutting edge audio visual gear of the day. For those who came of age during those times, there was nothing more fun than inviting the crew up to your room to show off your …

How to Find the Right Headphones for You

There is a lot to think about when considering your next headphone or earbud purchase. It is important to remember that for the music lover, headphones are an investment. Whether you go for the larger, all cover, noise reduction variety, or the smaller, earbud variety of headphones, there are many options and cheap tech deals …

Four Reasons To Tune In To A Tech Talk Radio Show

Who says there is no such thing as technology radio online? Programming used to come only from the radio airwaves, but so much has changed since the Internet and web technologies arrived that most people listen to tech talk radio programs online now. So what are some cool advantages to listening in on these programs, …

Four Reasons To Tune In To A Tech Talk Radio Show

Who says there is no such thing as technology radio online? Programming used to come only from the radio airwaves, but so much has changed since the Internet and web technologies arrived that most people listen to tech talk radio programs online now. So what are some cool advantages to listening in on these programs, …

Getting Graphic Designers