In the United States technology has altered how most Americans live their day to day lives. This is no exaggeration as people use technology now on a daily basis to perform so many different tasks. This has now gotten to the point where technology is allowing people to do things completely differently now as they used to.
The best example of this is the idea of people shopping online or using the internet to find a company or product. This has now lead to a rise in the marketing concept that is known as search engine optimization and has even birthed the concept of search engine marketing. Companies across the globe have to focus on their web design and there are digital marketing firms found across the nation.
Businesses across the country are benefitting from working with SEO companies to fully optimize search engines to help boost traffic for their business or product. This is because so many people recognize what is the rise of online marketing and shopping.
Data has been collected to determine that four out of five customers will use their smartphones to shop for a product. This is one piece of information that directly points to the importance of prioritizing internet access for business owners across teh nation. Plus, 70% of all searches done on a smartphone or mobile device will end up leading to online action within teh next hour.
As a whole, E-commerce will generate nearly $1.2 million every 30 seconds. As a result, business owners are very serious about making sure they have a web design company creating a good looking website. Because if not, statistics have determined that 40%o of all people will leave a web page within the first three seconds if it cannot fully load. Thus, many businesses truly believe that they need a website that appeals to customers that can visit it at any given time.
Two of the most popular search engines on the internet right now are Google and Yahoo. They are also two of the top email options for many people that use emails frequently, with Google being the more favorable of the two. Researchers have done studies around these two search engines and have determined that up to 88% of all businesses purchase decisions are influenced by the sites.
Furthermore, it is important to know that search engine optimization is so strong right now because of how often people use search engines. These search engines have carved up a spot for themselves on the internet, and thanks to search engine optimization these sources will be used for a while. Search engine optimization has changed how businesses advertise and market their content and have lead to a lot of businesses investing in blogs which can help boost traffic.
In Conclusion
There is no doubt that businesses will benefit from investing in search engine optimization and boosting their search engine results rankings. Most people will not even go past the first page of a search engine results list when they are looking for a product or business. They will stick with whatever the first page of the search engine gives them and thus businesses realize there is a need for search engine optimization.