Is Your Website Outdated? You’re Probably Sending Your Customers The Wrong Message

A good website is everything.

It’s how your customers form a solid first impression and get to know your business at a glance. It leaves new visitors hungry for more and, ideally, encourages them to keep browsing. Anything less and you’re asking for a lot of wasted time. Website programming isn’t a skill you have to master all on your own, but a resource that can be tapped into several times a year to keep you ahead of the pack. This includes not just a shinier layout, but digital marketing and content creation.

Worried you’re not leaving the most positive impression on new and old visitors alike? Try out these five ingredients to give your website some much-needed polish.

Optimize Your Website For Mobile

A website that can’t be browsed on-the-go is a website destined for failure. That’s not mere hyperbole, either, but a simple fact in today’s rapid-fire world. It’s estimated 50% of all mobile device users will use a phone or tablet as their primary source of Internet. Optimizing your website for mobile devices ensures pages won’t crash and the layout will remain in-tact no matter which screen is displaying it. A little website programming goes a long way, whether you work locally or appeal to international consumers.

Generate Ongoing Content

What’s another good way to keep people coming back for more? Try content creation. This is an umbrella term used to denote any kind of content for new and repeat customers, ranging from blog posts to video posts. This also includes social media, reviews, newsletters, quizzes, and articles. Recent research has shown content marketing can lead to a 40% increase in revenue. Imagine what the best Internet marketing companies can do to ensure you’re always in the minds of your consumer base.

Improve Your Website’s Layout

It never hurts to reiterate…your website needs to look good. Website programming can ensure your first impression is not just polished, but beautiful. An interesting study found nearly 50% of respondents citing a website’s design as the number one factor in whether or not a business was trustworthy. Another survey found 95% of people stating web design is their biggest factor in whether or not they stick around. This is one area you can’t afford to fumble.

Add Business Marketing Tools To Your Repertoire

A digital strategy helps lift you up above the competition. It provides you a security net to fall back on when regular web traffic and traditional marketing tactics aren’t quite giving you what you need. A digital marketing agency can provide you with a series of useful tools to tap into and increase your web presence, whether it’s utilizing local SEO or just using website programming to optimize your front page for mobile. Google updates its algorithm 500 to 600 times a year…imagine how easily your website can get lost in the shuffle.

Let A Digital Marketing Agency Give You Direction

When marketing starts to sound too complex, a digital marketing agency can provide you a path to follow. Animoto’s ‘The State Of Social Video’ 2017 report found 65% of consumers stating they made a purchase after watching a marketing video. A survey on marketing strategies saw just over 70% of marketers across the globe stating creating relevant content is the most effective SEO tactic today. Effective marketing means staying in touch with your customers and listening to what they need. It also means staying flexible.

Update your website. Update your strategy. Reach out to digital marketing agencies in your area and confront 2019 with your head held high.

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