Location Intelligence, Tracking Shipments, and More

Each and every year, technology expands and develops into new creations and inventions. Now, inventors are working to use technology to enhance so many aspects of everyday life. One of these recent developments is actually in use now and deals with packages and shipments. therefore, customers should learn to appreciate and understand all of the facts on location intelligence and more.

In the year of 2011, the Geospatial Industry managed to rake in nearly $73 billion in terms of its own revenue. On the other hand, it helped create nearly $1.6 trillion in revenue for the rest of the economy across the United States. As a result, it is wise for the United States to encourage this industry so it can help enhance the overall economy of the country

Simply put, the Geospatial industry deals with Geospatial Data. Simply put, Geospatial data is a representation of a physical object through values in numbers that create a geographic coordinate system. This helps shipping companies and businesses track their products giving customers live updates. Here are more facts on the entire world of location intelligence.

GPS Technology Is Essential For Location Intelligence

Across the globe, technology created amazing satellites to help enhance GPS capability. GPS functions are used by so many Americans but they may not know a lot about how they work or what this acronym stands for. GPS stands for Global Positioning System and helps create live maps and provides plenty of drivers with directions as well!

There are always at least 24 active GPS satellites circling Earth, although today there are more than 30, including a couple of spares. Geospatial mapping and marketing analytics provide shipping companies with proper tracking data and great results. Any customer that checks their live updates should definitely learn to love how this type of technology works.

Each GPS satellite goes around the world once every 12 hours. The satellites travel 12,500 miles (20,000 km) above us at roughly 7,000 miles per hour which is also 11,000 km per hour. Satellites are so essential to how GPS receivers work. As a matter of fact, a GPS receiver can help determine the current timing within 100 billionths of a second which is absolutely insane!

Location Intelligence Is The Present And Future

RFID tags are the present way in which business and manufacturers can track the creation process for their products and more. This first started in the year of 2011 when nearly 12 million RFID, Radio-Frequency Identification, tags were first sold. These tags capture data and help to keep track of objects as they move around. The best way to describe this product is through the aviation industry.

What does an airline company do to track people’s luggage in case it ever gets lost and they must ship it to a traveler? They use these previously mentioned RFID tags. These tags can be attached to possessions, like luggage, to keep track of it at all times. So if someone misses their connecting flight, they can stay on top of their luggage and then the airline ships it to their home.

Location intelligence software, location intelligence solutions, and RFID tags are going to be the future. By the year of 2021, it is expected that there will be a huge jump in the number of these tags sold. When compared to the 2011 number, the number of RFID tags sold in 2021 should hit nearly 209 billion. Therefore, more and more shipping companies will wisely invest in getting these shipment tracking tags!

In Conclusion

As technology grows, humanity is wise to grow along with it! While some people are hesitant to really dive into technology, there are proven results that show how helpful it can be for everyone. Therefore, the software in location intelligence should be used by shipping companies across the world!

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