Two Essential Internet Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

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One of the most effective ways to market a business these days — especially a small business — is to use the internet to do it. Any business that hasn’t caught up with the digital age is probably at a loss to their competitors, especially because the internet world moves so quickly. A small business can do wonders for making themselves more visible by taking advantage of social media and search engine optimization strategies.

Social Media
One of the most important things a small business can do online is to engage on social media. There are a number of different benefits of social media marketing, and it’s essential to start using it. Most people are a member of at least one social media site like Google+, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Furthermore, many people log into these sites every single day. This gives a business the unique opportunity to connect and engage with their clients on a more personal level. A business should join one or more appropriate social media sites and ensure that they have a good active presence.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Another essential online marketing tactic is to use search engine optimization strategies. SEO, put simply, is just a number of different practices that help a website (and a business) rank more highly in search engine results. An overwhelming majority — 93% — of online experiences begin with a search engine. Additionally, over 70% of people prefer organic results over paid ads, and few scroll past the first page of results. This means that business owners need their sites to rank highly and organically in the results.

The problems with social media marketing and SEO is that they both take time and know-how, but are still necessary. If a business has neither of these, it’s worth looking into social media and SEO services for small businesses and outsourcing.

Do you have any tips to increase visibility with SEO or social media? Feel free to tell us in the comments section!

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