What is the fluid bed dryer principle? Well, since it all begins with computational fluid dynamics, or CFD, it would be best to begin with a basic CFD definition. In the most direct terms, CFD embodies an area of fluid mechanics that scientists and engineers use to address issues pertaining to the flowing of fluid. In short, the computation of a specific fluid flow involves the application of various numerical methods and algorithms.
The fluid bed dryer principle takes into account the calculations attained via CFD, and applies them to a process that cleans fluid from potential pollutants. The objective is to remove harmful debris from fluid in an effort to reduce and pollutants emissions.
While all of this stuff about reduced pollution and emissions sounds fine and dandy, you are probably wondering how fluid bed drying is applied to real world situations. CFD can be seen in action via bubbling fluidized beds. Bubbling fluidized beds work similarly to boilers and can be used in that capacity to create heat for a variety of purposes. One example of this is in industrial operations where emissions regulations calls for stricter compliance.
In addition to reducing pollution and harmful emissions within industrial manufacturing, the pharmaceutical industry is another big purveyor of bubbling fluidized beds. Within the pharmaceutical context, bubbling fluidized beds are used to dry, coat, and granulate products. Again, each of these three processes involves the generation and transfer of immense energy, which would have caused substantial pollution in the past. With bubbling fluidized bed, emissions are kept well within regulatory limits.
The fluid bed dryer principle and CFD probably seems arcane to the layperson, but within industry it has been a boon. This is because it has allowed manufacturing companies to maintain high levels of production under stricter federal emissions guidelines.