When it comes time to deliver a big presentation at the office, the chances are good that you’re going to need a good audio video component to go with it.
Studies suggest that 83 percent of human learning occurs visually and the remaining 17 percent occurs through the remaining four senses. Additionally, studies suggest that three days after an event, people retain 10 percent of what they heard from an oral presentation, 35 percent from a visual presentation and 65 percent from a visual and oral presentation.
With audio video playing such an important role in office settings, it might be a good idea to look for new sound systems and new projection systems. A solid AV system ensures that presentations are presented with little or no hassle and in the way they were meant to be presented if there are audio and visual components. A PowerPoint presentation or a video presentation is sure to go over a lot better with a quality AV system.
If your company is considering installing a new AV system, here are a few reasons to consider it.
- Sharing: Sharing audio video ideas in an office is a good idea, but rather than having to fight for time a conference room with one AV connection, consider software that will allow you to stream and share information office-wide through a wireless network.
- Music: Music can be a great motivator. It also increases productivity and enhances mood according to a Mayo Clinic Study. Playing music in the office can boost morale and get workers performing their best. Streaming services like Spotify and Pandora offer easy access to music and hearing your favorite songs over the office speaker systems can be a welcome change from the humdrum of work life.
Of course, there is the option of listening to music on headphones too. The number of headphones/headsets sold worldwide has increased from 236 million in 2013 to about 334 million in 2016. Additionally, Global sales of Bluetooth docking speakers have also experienced growth since 2013, going from nine million units sold worldwide to about 42 million in 2016. - Management: Too often, a lot of time and resources are spent trying to fix frustrating IT problems especially when it comes to older equipment. Getting an AV equipment upgrade takes away the frustration and gets everyone in the office working more efficiently and with a better attitude.
The United States is a profitable market for the audio and sound industry as the market value of consumer electronics was estimated to pass $120 billion for the first time in 2016. With the profitability of electronics, that means there’s a lot of money being spent on audio video equipment for commercial use as well.
When it comes to electronics installation in an office, low voltage contracting can be a big help. Low voltage contracting is part of a growing field in contracting and have a lot of services to offer. Low voltage contractors can install many things including:
- Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
- Office lighting
- Office cabling and wiring
- AV Solutions
- Multimedia systems
- Internet, cable, phone and data systems
If your office is in need of low voltage contracting for audio video design or installation, Thumbtack can help you find the right person for your office needs.