Think You Have to Spend a Ton of Money to Successfully Market Your Company Online?

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According to Business Insider, eCommerce is now growing faster than traditional retail sales. In 2013, eCommerce spending across the globe grew by 14%, and in 2014, it’s estimated to surpass $1.5 trillion. In other words, the more time goes on, the more important it will be to learn how to market your company in the digital age.

Unfortunately, as you’ve undoubtedly found out when marketing your company, digital marketing, from online web design to web hosting, can be costly. However, if you learn some of the tricks that the most successful internet marketing firms use and start implementing them for yourself, you could be marketing your company effectively, without having to worry about going over budget.

Three Tips for Marketing Your Company on a Shoestring Budget

  1. Transition from Simple to Longtail Keywords
  2. Effectively using keywords in your website copy, blog content, and anything else you’re publishing on the web is crucial to getting your business found online. However, the rules for keywords have changed. Before, you could get away with simple keywords. Say, for example, you run a pizza business in Chicago. Before, you’d probably rely on “pizza chicago” to generate traffic to your site. However, as Huffington Post suggests, longtail keywords are increasingly the way to go. Using questions or whole sentences as keywords, so long as they’re relevant to your business, can improve the efficacy of your keywords, without costing you a dime.

  3. Use Social Media for Cheap Branding
  4. To stand out in online business — or any business for that matter — you need to brand your company in a way so that it’s more interesting than all others. Now, normally, you would have to pay a pretty penny to have a marketing agency come in and help with this part of marketing your company, but, as Forbes writes, you can use social media to brand your business, without draining your account. Just remember: social media is about being genuine and interesting, not just about marketing your business. If you can pull that off, your chances at success skyrocket.

  5. Focus on Content Marketing
  6. For CIO, a popular website focused on online marketing and business technologies, there are few things better for an online marketing campaign than blogging. Generating interesting to read content that makes your readers want to keep up-to-date with your site can go a long way in building brand loyalty and, eventually, increasing sales. Just remember, you’re not trying to sell anything in your content; you’re looking to educate and engage.

Do you work with a digital marketing firm? What advice would you give to businesses that are trying to save on their online marketing? Sound off in the comments below! Ger more information on this topic here:

About: Ed