Do you operate a small business successfully, but you’re constantly looking for ways to maintain and augment your client base? Perhaps you’ve been finding it increasingly difficult to connect with customers through traditional advertising.
If so it may make sense for you to invest in SEO marketing (search engine optimization) and other website marketing services. Using SEO techniques enable prospective customers to find your website more readily on search engines when they are seeking out a particular kind of product or service that you offer. It is for this reason that it makes sense to improve website SEO.
When you’re trying to figure out how to improve website traffic, search engine optimization is the way to go. That said, it isn’t enough to have a website that is easily accessible on desktop computers and laptops. In order to maximize your outreach to customers, having a mobile friendly website design is critically important. After all, 10% of all web activity now originates from mobile devices.
Furthermore, over 60% of mobile device users who encounter a business website that is not easy to use on a smartphone or tablet will move on to another site and proceed to ignore the offending website. In short, a decision to not cater to mobile customers may result in a loss of business.
If you have more questions, comments, or suggestions with regard to SEO marketing, be sure to share your thoughts in the section below. More can be found here.