Author: Ed

Interesting Facts About Minecraft Trees

Minecraft is one of the most popular games of all time. In fact, it essentially invented the sandbox genre of games. One of the core components to building in this game is wood. Various types of trees can be chopped down and used to build a humble house. The planks from such trees may even …

How Does Computer Networking Work?

Computers, TV’s, and Phones are a normal part of our everyday lives. We don’t think twice about how they work, they just do. However, when they stop working, this can cause major issues and loss of time. In this video, you will learn about how computer networking works. Let’s start with a definition. A network …

Rebuilding a Salvage UTV

Working with a salvage UTV is an intricate job that requires a strong foundation of mechanical knowledge. Watch this video to see a rebuilding of a salvage UTV. Video Source A salvage UTV will always have a number of problems or damages that need to be addressed before it is fit to drive. This may …

How To: Making A Sandblaster

Sandblasting is a great way to customize products. It can remove paint and other coatings, giving you a great starting surface to make your own customizations. It can also be used to etch designs into the surface of certain materials, including glass. If you want to try custom sandblasting, you don’t need a lot of …

An Intro to Geospatial Intelligence

Geospatial land imagery is an intricate technology that ties into geospatial intelligence. Geospatial intelligence is used by defense agencies across the country. It is used to understand what is happening at a specific location at any given time. Video Source Defense agencies use geospatial intelligence to analyze a location before actually arriving. This is meant …

Solar Panels Explained

With the rising focus on solar energy over the years, the demand for solar energy services has also risen. The main factor of solar energy services is installing and maintaining solar panels, so it’s important to understand how they work. The Earth intercepts 173,000 terawatts of power from the sun, which is 10,000 times more …

Cloud for Business

It can be a scary proposition when it comes to server hosting, specifically outsourcing server hosting. Typically, this requires a cloud service provider. Some businesses are embracing the cloud while others are running from it. There may also be a lack of knowledge within the organization about what server hosting is and how it can …

Why Is Preschool Education So Vital?

If your child is turning three or four this year, it could be time to start thinking about enrolling them in preschool. It might not seem like it’s time to start their education, but preschool comes with several undeniable benefits. Let’s take a look at a few of them. Video Source First and foremost, preschool …

Take a Look at Different Power Connectors

Ever look at a power cord and wonder why it’s shaped the way it is? The YouTube channel, ShowMeCables, demonstrates various types of power connectors and why they are made the way they are. One basic family of power connectors is the IEC variety. They can either be inlets or outlets, which determines whether the …

How to Repair a DEAD Computer

Did you know that it is possible to repair a computer that is seemingly dead and unable to get any more life out of it? People do this all the time, but you will need some special desktop repair skills if you want to try to handle this one yourself. You see, repairing a dead …